There are so many companies out there trying to talk you into spending money on their products. Some of these products are great, some not so much , and everything in between. Form time to time I find a product I like, when I do I share it with you. If you have been following along for any amount of time you already know I am going to be honest. I received this product specifically to review. There are several good points and some bad ones as well we will cover them all. Ready?
Overall Design of the Xplorer 10 in 1 Survival Shovel
When I received my Xplorer 10 in 1 survival shovel my children were just as excited as I was. It is a cool looking design and it has a very durable feel to it. The shovel is a good bit heavier than I expected, but not too heavy. It feels just right for me.
I like the way the tool is designed and I like the way that it folds.
I like the way the tool is designed and I like the way that it folds.
So far the only thing I have broken is the flint in the handle. Flint is fragile anyway and I have been really rough on the shovel so I am not going to take points away from the overall performance.
The Xplorer shovel is a two piece design. It is easily folded and helps with carry space a little. This shovel is simple to configure and can be set at different angles.
The edges of the shovel and the teeth of the saw are still in good condition and show no sign of wear. So far the durability score is a solid 5 acorns.
Primary Function
Xplorer as a Shovel
The primary function of this tool is as a shovel. As a shovel it functions well. The edges are in good condition. The tools arrived sharp with no burrs or rough edges. This is a small tool and really has no area to place your foot to help push the blade in the soil. I compare it to the old three piece GI shovel that I have had for years.
I have no complaints with the performance of the Xplorer shovel in mellow or slightly compacted soil. When dealing with compacted soil the Xplorer out performs my old gi shovel by a long shot because of its ability to be used as a pickax or a hoe. This allows for the loosening of the soil before removal.
Xplorer as an Ax or Machete
As a hacking tool the Xplorer functions really well. I have put it to the test pretty vigorously. I would put its hacking ability up against my Gladius by Cold Steel any day. The weight of the tool gives you a little extra leverage and the padded handle reduces shock. I gave it a 4 1/2 simple because a little more length or a little more weight would make a big difference in the hacking area, but that also might make it more difficult to carry.
Xplorer as a Saw
The saw does work. I expected it to work better than it does when I first examined the tool. But after trying it I realized the teeth of the tool are really not deep enough and are not at the best angle for the saw to function very efficiently. Having said that, I would much rather use the saw on this tool than to try and use the little wire saws that you can pick up at the local department stores. I am tough on this area, if something is supposed to be a saw I want it to work and work well.
Secondary Functions and Accecories of Xplorer 10 in 1 Shovel
The Sheath
I honestly think the sheath was an afterthought. The sheath does cover the blade and keeps it from being damaged or damaging anything while it is being carried, but that is all it does. There is no way to strap the tool onto a belt or backpack. Unless you put it in your pack you will have to get creative on how you will carry the thing.
Emergency Auto Hammer
It will function well as an emergency auto hammer. Just place the blade in the hoe position and smash away. I did not try this, I couldn't get anyone who was willing to let me smash a car window, but trust me it will work.
As a Hammer
I really hate that I didn't get this on the video, but with the equipment I have some shots and angles are a challenge. I recorded it 3 times and I didn't like a single one of them. It does work. Am I going to throw away my Estwing and use this full time? Heck no! But if you are in a situation where you need a hammer and don't have one, the Xplorer 10 in 1 is a lot better than trying to find a rock.
Wire Cutters
Once again, it does work. In a pinch if you have nothing else they would be great. If you have a good multi tool they would be better.
Flint and Waterproof Storage
As I stated above, I have broken the flint. I have been incredibly rough on this tool. I am sure that if I were just using this tool as most everyone would the flint would still be intact.
The waterproof storage in the handle is a big plus. You could store matches (especially if you are like me and break the flint), tinder, I can even see a survival fishing kit made to fit in the handle. You could also stash a little cash in the handle. Even with the flint breakage I give it a 4.
Final Thoughts
I am sure there are other uses for this handy tool, but I have covered all of the basics. The warranty is incredible for this type of item. The company offers a full 1 year money back guarantee. That means they really believe in this product. Even with the issues I have listed above this tool has earned a place in my automobile readiness kit. I think it is worth the price. Over all score. 4 acorns and I am not being generous. If you are interested in this tool you can purchase it
Survival Shovel | SporstsTek Xplorer 10in1 Folding Shovel | FREE Sheath/Sleeve Cover | Multi-function Capabilities | For Camping, Gardening, Hiking, Auto Emergency, Military, Self-Defense & More | High-Carbon SteelIf you would like to watch the video review you can do so below.
I received this product free to review, no other compensation was accepted.
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To a safe future,
[Wade Lightheart]