
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Un-Country Country Wife

All of my life I have lived in the rural area of Blount County Alabama.I loved it so much that when I remarried I asked my husband if we could stay here instead.Of course he agreed and he has been diligent in making this county his home as well.

Now that being said,I may have lived in this area where there were cows raised right across the road from me and I knew a lot of the people who had grown their own veggies and placed them in competition at the county fair every year.My father grew up here as well.He was raised on a farm,hunted,and even grew his own vegetables.So that should mean I have experience right?

Guess Again.

I will not go into detail about my home life but I will say this.I had to learn to become self-sufficient at a young age.I learned to cook and clean,and even become a mom at the age of sixteen.However,I did not learn much about homesteading.Oh my dad did try when we were younger,but if I wasn't in the mood,I just told my mother and she would take care of that.How I regret this terribly.She was from the city and it was years after my father died that she realized that the country life was good.

Yet she almost had me believing this as well.There isn't much to do around the country when you’re a teen.And so I thought all the cows and chickens and farming was pretty lame.Why go through all this trouble?It’s  hard work and dirty and didn't seem enjoyable at all…

But then the strangest thing happened.I grew up.I started getting to know these people.I still was not completely convinced…

Then God gave me Gregg.

This man loves everything about dirt,and farm life and prepping (not the crazy kind that you see on television)
He was raised on a mountain and has done more than most people I know.And as a bonus,he loves to teach.So I have become his student (by choice!)

I have decided that I want to start sharing my adventures in homesteading since I may have come from the rural land but I truly am just now learning how to appreciate it. So everything is new and amazing and I hope that you will either learn something from it or have a new found love for it.

I am so excited having my wife write with me. For another post written by my wife you can read:

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Hand in Hand Embracing the Homestead Life
If you can guess what classic American painting we are paying homage to please comment below.

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