
Monday, February 22, 2016

This Little Piggy Went to Slaughter

It is always a joy whenever my wife writes for the blog. She doesn't do it often, but when she does it is always from a viewpoint that either I haven't considered or is presented in a way that just touches people that I normally can't. I really appreciate the fact that she is so supportive of my crazy idea about writing and recording podcasts. It is just one way that I believe we can help others that are on the same journey as we are toward a more sustainable life.  I find it really sad that there are so many couples out there that don't take an interest in each others passions. Life is always fuller when you have an engaged partner.

Without any further delay, I present to you my wife, the Un-country Country Wife and This Little Piggy Went to Slaughter.

First off, this little story isn't Kosher. I do not mean to be offensive but, I love pork. I'm not a fan of fish, either raw or cooked and the verdict is still out on venison. I'm not sure if rabbit is ever going to hit my palatte either. But right under beef and chicken, it's pig for me. But my eyes have been opened to a new experience. One that does not involve the grocery store.

Recently my husband was gifted with a hefty amount of pork from his dad, who had just slaughtered a pig and had it sent off to the butcher. It was returned in nice little packages that had me pondering if I would be able to eat if without being cynical and biased to the pretty stuff I'm used to seeing at the market. 

Gregg has to do his fair share of the cooking due to my 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Needless to say, I don't gripe when he chooses what we're eating when he's the chef. The menu consisted of some of the pork chops that came from his dad. So here it comes. Was I going to be disappointed? Grossed out because I had met the owner of those chops, (before they were detached from her body). I put on my brave face and bit into the chops... that was all it took! I was in Hog Heaven! The flavor was incredible, not to mention the size. I was hooked.

The next morning, I got up early and started breakfast. I had some bacon waiting in the fridge. As I began preparing it, the aroma filled the house. It felt like something from a book. And again, the taste was phenomenal. The cut was thick and juicy and full of flavor. I was ruined. This week I made biscuits and homemade sausage gravy. It was the best I have ever made. Not to mention the green beans cooked in the neck meat that I served as part of our Valentine's Day supper.

So now I'm in a dilemma. I don't want the grocery store pork anymore. I want my own pigs in the backyard. I want to be able to put packages of meat up in my freezer that I absolutely know for certain what it was fed and how it was raised. But we have such a small amount of land, and that squeamish, wimpy part of me wonders how I would handle feeding something and taking care of it, then knowing it would have to die.

Gregg has trouble understanding this due to this being all he's ever known. He is always patient and kind when it comes to me and my goofy somewhat neurotic ways. I'm hoping to overcome this in the future. In the meantime, I reckon I'll just have to send him to Carter Hill to purchase some of those wonderful piggy packages!

Living a more sustainable life is always a journey. For many the journey can be difficult and even a little scary. It is worth every step. I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe you can relate to my wife. If you relate, leave a comment, who knows that might encourage my wife to write more often.

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