
Friday, December 4, 2015

Front Porch Friday #10

Front Porch Friday Blog Hop

It has turned much colder and I am thankful for my cold weather gear. I am hoping to get back into the woods soon and make sure that there is meat in our freezer. It is my goal to harvest enough meat this season to not have to buy any ground beef for the next year. Will I accomplish that goal? I have no idea, but it will not be for a lack of trying.

I have been spending a lot of time lately thinking about what my goals will be for next year and reflecting on what we accomplished this year. All in all we have had a good year. There will be a lot of changes for next year, be sure to keep checking back. 

Gregg's pick this week is 10 Ways to Deal With a Cold Naturally by Feathers in the Woods. I hope I don't have to deal with a cold this year, but if I do I want all the information I can find.

Mama K chose Getting your Backyard Chickens Ready for Winter by Murano Chicken Farm
  • Please share your posts that are homesteading, prepping, homemaking, or frugal living in nature.
  • Please be family friendly, although Zombies are ok.
  • Please visit the blog that linked before you. Share the love.
  • Older posts are okay, but please only share on the Hop once.
  • If you would like to be featured I ask that you have linked back to this post
  • By linking up here you are giving permission to share your post, if featured.
Mama Kautz

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